Genel Duyurular

Erasmus+ Personel Eğitim Alma İlanı-II / Call for Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility


Erasmus+ Personel Eğitim Alma İlanı-II / Call for Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility

İLAN TARİHİ: :16 Temmuz 2019

SON BAŞVURU TARİHİ: 29 Ağustos 2019

TAHMİNİ TOPLAM KONTENJAN: 1 Hibe Destekli Personel

Min 2- max 5 days of mobility can be granted . You should apply to International Office with your application documents indicated below. Following the announcement of the results, you can start to prepare your documents requested before mobility .

Please do not hesitate to get in contact with International Office in case of any question.

APLICATION DATES (BETWEEN) : 16/07/2019-29/08/2019

Applications Documents:


  1.  Application Form:


  1. Letter of Acceptance


(Teaching LoA: Indicating the mobility dates clearly. Min 8 hours of teaching is acceptable .Program hours should be indicated.)

(Training LoA: indicating the mobility dates clearly. Program hours should be indicated.)


Following the Announcement of Results

 Documents Requested Before Mobility


  1.  General Health Insurance(valid abroad covering the dates of mobility)


  1. Mobility Agreement/Work Plan :


  1.  Denizbank Euro Account Book Copy


  1. Grant Agreement (will be prepared by International Office)


  1.  Passport and Visa Copy


Documents Requested After Mobility


1.Certificate of Attendance


2.Eu Survey ( will be receieved via e-mail)


3.Boarding Cards and Flight Tickets


4.Passport and Visa Copy (Stamped Pages)